I am extremely fortunate to have many supports in place throughout my daily environments. At my work, I have many supports in place with the team I supervise, my coworkers on our leadership team, and my supervisors. The team I supervise, because of the work we do, is extremely supportive of one another and they truly make work a great place to be each day. My coworkers are a great support whether it be brain storming new ideas, help with a project, support when my personal life is difficult, or any other challenge or support I need. I am incredibly grateful for each and every person on our leadership team. I am extremely fortunate to have two direct supervisors and additional agency leadership who support me in a supervisory capacity. They help make work easier to manage when difficult times come along.
My friends, family, and cats are my other support systems that help me. My friends offer me peace, laughter, happiness, and relaxation when it's needed. I have certain friends who are my close friends who also support me in my trials and tribulations of life. My family is always there to support me and help me through any life lesson I may be learning. My cats are just my support at home because I live alone. Those who have animals know what it's like to have the animal love when you get home.
Of course, I also have monetary supports, lists, and all of the small things that make life possible. I am also a believer in supports for mental health so I do utilize counseling supports as well.
There are so many benefits to all of my supports. My work supports make work a place I want to be each day. Working with the type of children we work with in residential care, we have to have supports in place at work to be able to emotionally, mentally, and physically handle everything that can happen. I don't think I would of lasted very long at my work had I not had these supports from the very beginning. Life without family and friends seems extremely lonely, although I love time to myself I am a very social person so I can't imagine life without them. I think it would be extremely hard to be happy and have motivation to do things.
A challenge that I do not currently have but imagined was being laid off from work and struggling to find work elsewhere. If I were to be laid off of my current job, I think it would be challenging to keep my work supports, not because they would stop supporting me but I think they would feel awkward if they were still at work or they would be dealing with their own challenges if they were laid off as well. The one benefit of it would be the support we could offer each other through that challenging time. My family and friends who be a major support during this time as they would support me emotionally as I would be very upset and I know they would also support me financially should I ever need it.
If these supports were not available to me if I went through a lay off at work, I would definitely struggle to get back on my feet and move forward finding a new job. I am definitely a perfectionist who wants to do her best at work. A lay off would definitely affect to confidence and self-esteem in what I do. Counseling would definitely be a support I would utilize because I would need someone to work through this challenge with.
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